Top 16 Stunningly Expensive Deserted Structures

10. The Yonkers, New York, Glenwood Power Plant

Place: Yonkers, New York's Westchester County 1900 is the year. Cost: $150 million* (estimated cost of the proposed redevelopment plan) The defunct Glenwood Power Plant in Yonkers, New York, has been repurposed into a film set, primarily for zombie and post-apocalyptic projects. Given that Glenwood resembles something from a bygone period, it makes sense.

The Yonkers, New York, Glenwood Power Station ©Felix Lipov through Shutterstock Glenwood was planned by Reed & Stem and was completed in 1900 with the electrification of the trains in metropolitan New York. Glenwood was sold to Con Edison in New York when it started to purchase electricity in 1936 instead of producing it. After Con Edison ceased operations in 1963, this abandoned power facility started a gradual, multi-decade deterioration.

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