Rediscover Everyday Products: You've Been Using Them All Wrong

9. Extension Cords

The best places to buy include Amazon, Walmart, and Dollar Stores. * Average Product Cost: $1.50 per foot There are few things more inconvenient than setting up your appliance, extension cord, and all, only to discover when you attempt to turn it on that the cord has come unplugged. After that, you'll need to unplug it and go all the way back. Thanks to Bunnings Warehouse, YouTubers have discovered an easy way to maintain extension cord connections.

Extension Cords,, and Bunnings Warehouse To join two extension cords, tie an overhand knot around them. Because of the knot, they will not unplug if one cord is inadvertently yanked. This is ideal for places where you're most likely to use extension cords, such as your yard, house, or workshop.

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Rediscover Everyday Products: You've Been Using Them All Wrong