Expired Products: Are They Safe to Use?

5. Lubricant for Motors

Ends in: Five Years $5* is the average price. Although tedious, car maintenance is an essential aspect of daily living. As most individuals maintain a supply of oil in the garage or even in their trunk, every driver is aware of the need to keep their oil topped off. The general consensus is that motor oil has no real expiration date; nonetheless, after five years, manufacturers advise "responsible disposal."

Engine Lubricant/SShutterstock ©icsnaps The causes of this are up for debate. While some think the makers are only trying to maintain sales, others claim the oil quality actually degrades over time. In any case, are you willing to take a chance to determine who is correct? Your car may suffer from outdated motor oil, just like it would from expired gasoline or fuel. It just doesn't seem worth the risk when you realize that an automobile costs far more than $5 and that oil only costs $5.

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