Expired Products: Are They Safe to Use?

10. Smoke detectors

Ends in: ten years $20 is the average price. Nobody likes to take any chances when it comes to their health and safety. In addition to needing to be replaced, smoke detectors should be inspected every few months to make sure they're still functioning. They will pass away eventually.

Smoke Detectors Copyright Andréy Popov/Shutterstock Smoke detectors and carbon monoxide monitors may start to malfunction after ten years. It's better to replace your alarms and start over if you're unsure of how old they are so you can be certain of your situation. It won't break the bank and is worth the peace of mind at an average cost of $20 per item. The best course of action is to make sure that you're purchasing a new smoke detector when you should, because a malfunctioning one can endanger lives. Although it can be a little difficult to recall, most devices contain a little label that indicates the installation date to help you remember.

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