Dress Disasters: Hilarious Mismatches from Online Shopping Sprees

1. Lace Mini Dress.

Original dress price: $5 Original created by AliExpress Knockoff Acquired at: Unknown Knockoff Acquired for: Unknown When shopping online, it's tempting to get carried away by the attractive price tag. A nice-looking outfit for under $5 may appear to be a win-win situation, but everything that glitters is not gold. Alternatively, dresses that appear to fit are unlikely to do so.

Lace Mini Dress @KnockOffNightmares / Facebook One buyer purchased this inexpensive garment from AliExpress, only to discover that it was better suited to her dog. The white summer dress fit the dog quite well, but she doesn't seem overjoyed with her new costume.

2. Cleopatra Signature Gown.

Original dress price: $400 Original created by by Style Temple Knockoff Acquired at: FabWoman Knockoff Acquired for: $50. Television personality Stephanie Coker looked stunning in her floor-length silver gown from Style Temple, which shops couldn't replicate quick enough. In this situation, FabWoman chose to market their own version of Stephanie's clothing, including taking her image to promote it.

Cloepatra Signature Gown at KnockOffNightmares/Facebook. So, what came up? Instead of hues of grey beauty, this naïve consumer received maroon lunacy. This knock-off is so different from the original that it's hard to look at. If you're going to copy something, then getting the colour correct is the first step.

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