7 Ways to Delay Ageing and Continue Looking Younger for Longer

6. Make an hourly bedtime.

Maintaining a healthy sleep schedule is crucial. Sleep between 11 PM and 3 AM is crucial for nourishment and regeneration, according to experts, which is why you should aim to get to bed by 11 PM or earlier. An individual should aim for 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Chronic sleep deprivation has an impact on our appearance in addition to our emotional state.According to studies from Harvard Medical School, those who typically sleep for less than seven hours and who go to bed just one hour early experience improvements in their blood pressure. It assisted in reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.

7. Increase your vitamin intake.

Antioxidants shield our bodies' cells from the destructive effects of free radicals, which are produced by smoking and sun exposure. You can take them orally, for example. The most potent anti-ageing agents are vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium.Think about including fish oil or any other supplements that reduce inflammation in your diet. Omega-3 acids, which are abundant in fish oil, strengthen the immune system, promote heart health, and promote hair development. Omega-3 is also excellent for keeping skin looking younger.

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