7 Ways to Delay Ageing and Continue Looking Younger for Longer
2. Assemble a positive social circle.

Additionally, Blackburn's research has demonstrated that telomere length is longer in those who reside in secure and amiable neighbourhoods. Take advantage of your neighbourhood and invest in it.According to a different study, those who stay married and have long-standing friendships also have longer telomeres, which causes them to age a little more slowly than other people. According to some research, six pals is the ideal number for us to maintain our health.
3. Live longer and eat less.

Without causing starvation, calorie restriction—basically, eating less—can slow down the human metabolism and prolong our youth. For two years, researchers watched two groups of monkeys. They concluded that low-calorie diets resulted in longer and healthier lives for monkeys.You can modify your diet as well. Aim to stay away from processed foods of any kind since the phosphates added to them quicken ageing. Rather, incorporate anti-ageing foods such as avocado, salmon, dark chocolate, almonds, figs, blueberries, and turmeric into your diet. You'll enhance cognitive performance, prevent heart disease, safeguard your skin and eyes, and cure your digestive system by doing this.Walnuts have the highest concentration of antioxidants that prevent ageing, according to a recent University of Scranton study. Consuming only three walnuts daily will keep you looking and feeling younger. Try cutting back on the amount of additional sugar you eat, as well as alcohol and soda.
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