7 Ways to Delay Ageing and Continue Looking Younger for Longer

For the sake of our health and attractiveness, we all want to look as youthful as possible. A group of scientists discovered that while some of the individuals examined appeared to be in their 20s, others appeared to be in their senior years in terms of health. The study found that environmental and lifestyle factors had a significantly greater influence on how people age, with genetics accounting for only approximately 20% of the total.These fantastic beauty tips are what we've compiled to help you look younger for longer.

1. Control your degree of stress.

The ageing processes in our cells are actually caused by telomeres, or the ends of chromosomes, as discovered by Nobel laureate Elizabeth Blackburn. We age more quickly, the shorter our telomeres are. Controlling your stress levels is crucial since prolonged stress shortens telomeres.One of the finest methods to feel less stressed and more at ease is to practice meditation. It also aids in keeping telomeres from shortening. Enrol in a yoga class to learn how to let go of unfavourable circumstances and ideas.

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