10 Things Flight Attendants Rarely Talk About, Plus Tips to Make Your Flights More Comfortable

1.Handy advice you should be aware of

Air travel often means spending extended periods in compact spaces shared by many people. This environment can expose you to increased levels of germs and bacteria. To protect your health, it's wise to take some simple precautions during your flight. One key area of concern is the aircraft floor, which can harbor all sorts of dirt and grime tracked in by passenger footwear. Avoid going barefoot to prevent picking up these contaminants on your feet. The lavatories are another potential hotspot, so be sure to thoroughly wash your hands or use a sanitizing hand wipe after using the facilities. The tray tables also warrant some vigilance. These surfaces see a multitude of uses by different passengers, some of which may be unsanitary like diaper changing. Give your tray table a quick wipe down with a disinfecting wipe before using it, especially if you'll be consuming food or beverages. A few sanitizing wipes and some basic hygiene practices can go a long way toward an enjoyable, illness-free travel experience. Be proactive about cleanliness in these key areas, and you'll reduce your exposure to germs circulated in the contained cabin environment. A little prevention makes for a healthier journey.

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